måndag 28 september 2009

Shoes to fall in love with

Pic1. Common projects Pic2. Gram Pic.3 Margiela for Dr.Martins

söndag 27 september 2009

Stefano Pilati

Stefano Pilati is designer for YSL and one of the best dressed men of all time.

torsdag 24 september 2009

Acne ss2010

Patrik Ervell

Some pictures from the Patrik Ervell show last week. Very nice clothes from the Swedish born master mind.

onsdag 23 september 2009

The dark fall

Knocked out by my cold I spent this moring on the sofa watching television. In the morning news there were a
fall fashion report. In the clipp Daniel Lindström explains the lumberjack style and declears that it's okey for men to use a lot of color this fall. The trend that excite's me the most is the black and white one. Where you have to work more whit extreme silhouettes and detail's. Prada's studd-collection is as fantastic example of this.

In the first picture there are fashion blogger Hapsical in Prada shoes and Streetstyle photographer Jack & Jill wearing wearing Christian Loubpuitin studded shoes.

tisdag 22 september 2009

As it should look

Grey day

Today the autumn arrived with all it's dullness. Both me and Hedda woke up with a cold, the sky's colorlessness matched Stenhagens concrete. What saves this day is that it's my first day of work and I get to walk around in my new shoes. It's a pair of whyred shoes i bought at an outlet called Freeport outside Gothenburg.

söndag 20 september 2009

The Sunddance kids

Since Hedda and I spent all thursday at the hospital she skipped school this friday and we got an extra long weekend. Yesterday we went downtown and sat by Fyrisån. Today we had a picknick in the sun. I'm so grateful that the fall aren't in a hurry to bring us rain, clouds and darkness.
But sooner or later the summer has to end. Next week my everyday life are going to start to take form. This tuesday I'm going to work at Sala hospital (yes more hours at a damn hospital, but this time I'll get payed), and at wednesday I'm going to take my first lesson in spanish.

lördag 19 september 2009

Hitt the road jack(et)

This is a blog post to show my love to the most wearable pice of cloathing at the moment.
It's a relaxed workwear jacket. Both Acne and weekday have cheaper versions in their collections.

Pic 1. From The sartorialist Picc 2. Commes de Garcon Pic 3. Band of Outsiders Pic 4. Junya.Watanabe


This thursday me and Hedda had to pay a visit to Enköpings hostpital. While making falafel Hedda sliced half her finger of in the mixer. All she needed was to clean the wound and get som band aids, but still they kept us waiting for five hours. The worst part wasn’t the amount of seconds, minute and hours we had to sitt in the waiting room. What got me irritated was the lack of information and service. We arrived at the hospital at four a’clock. When the remarkably poor swedish soap opera named ”Kändis Djungeln” showed for the second time at nine I got up extramely hungry and pissed off to see if they had forgotten us. A nurse told me that the doctor had a lot to deal with and a lot of patients where in worse condition then Hedda. But if they just would have sent a nurse to look at the finger they would had seen that no doctor was needed. Not ones did any staff talk to us or try to explain why we had to wait.

But what the hell, we are happy now.

Time to study

onsdag 16 september 2009

A new start

Hey I’m going to give this blogging thing a fresh new start. The blog is going to be used as a homework assignment. Accept I don’t go to school. Two weeks ago I moved to Uppsala to live with my girlfriend. We been in a far disctance relationship for over a year now so it was about time! Here in Uppsala I’m trying to improve two highschool grades. One of them is English and i found blogging a good way to practice my writing skills.
I don't know what I'm going to write about yet, probably the first thing that comes to my mind. A good guess is jibberish, fashion, music and soccer but who knows?